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Used Rubber Rafts & Dinghies Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2006-03-03.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Used Rubber Rafts & Dinghies : WANTED TO BUY


Rubber Rafts & Dinghies.
Wanted: Rubber Rafts & Dinghies. i am looking for two good rubber rafts or boats for a hunting trip down 20 miles of wilderness, The rivers are flat with little or no rapids. the vessels should be 3 person vessels.

Listing ID: LW646561
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NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 10 ) DATE
LW929048 Wanted Used Rubber Rafts & Dinghies. 2010-03-14 15:59:00
LA911868 Available Fiberglass rigid inflatable boat, #4856-5419. 2009-11-18 19:28:00
LA908757 Available Rigid inflatable boat, #4795-5419. 2009-11-04 14:05:00
LW868450 Wanted Used Rubber Rafts & Dinghies. 2009-03-03 01:31:00
LW847388 Wanted Used Rubber Rafts & Dinghies. 2008-11-04 00:03:00
LW833810 Wanted Used Rubber Rafts & Dinghies. 2008-08-21 22:14:00
LW821382 Wanted Used Rubber Rafts & Dinghies. 2008-06-22 21:50:00
LW757900 Wanted Rubber Rafts & Dinghies. 2007-08-03 23:46:00
LW646561 Wanted Rubber Rafts & Dinghies. 2006-03-03 08:50:00
LW636574 Wanted Rubber Rafts & Dinghies. 2006-01-09 21:49:00
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